Fun with Autumn Leaves

There are SO many things you can do with Autumn leaves!

First go our and ENJOY them. Let the kids have fun crushing them under foot, jumping in the. Throwing them in the air. Watch. Listen. It’s a fun way to learn so many new words. How do they feel? Which words describe the sounds they make? How many colours can you see?

Then collect and press some in old magazines .

Then they can be used to make spoon people or table decorations or collages or beautiful lamps.


It’s a good idea to take an old book out with you when you go collecting because fallen leaves curl up very quickly. If you take a book then you can slip the leaves between the pages.  Then, on returning home, the book can be placed under something heavy or between other books on the bookshelf until you are ready the use the leaves.

On today’s programme (click on the link below) you will see how to make models and pictures and a lantern but there are lots more things you can do and there will be more ideas in our next programme. The programme is designed to inspire and motivate young children and is introduced by the JUMBLES puppets. Watch it together and then …have fun!

                        Click here for the AUTUMN LEAVESg programme

Learning Fun with Concentric Shapes

We tend to associated the term ‘concentric’ with circles and raindrops falling on puddles are a good example.but any shape, as shown below, can be concentric.

So here are some more early learning ideas based on the Concentric theme..

Link to programme on circles for children .

Raindrops on Puddles Part One

It’s incredible how much can be learnt using raindrops on puddles as inspiration.

Science. Art. Mathematics. Vocabulary. Fine motor skills and lots more.

But to kids it’s all just great fun and that’s what learning should be.

Here are just a few ideas. There will be more in the next few posts.

Inspiration for Learning

‘ i Light Marina Bay’ is an amazing light art festival. For three weeks each year exhibits from talents around the world illuminate the urban areas of Marina Bay. with interesting, fun and beautiful light/art installations.

Many of these are interactive and one of my favourites (above) appeared in the 2014 event.

The next event is in March 2018.

For information see this link:

: iLIGHT Marina Bay 2018


While we are on the ‘blue’ theme let’s look at some fun art and science activities.

Younger children will have fun and learn about making pastel shades of blue by simply moving a paintbrush filled with blue acrylic paint about in a dollop of white paint. The paint moves much better on a plastic paint. Don worry that they are ‘spoiling’ the effect by carrying on too long. They will do! It’s part of the learning process.

To limit the choice of colour to just one plus white is a good exercise for older children. It’s amazing how many different ‘blues’ can be made with just one shade plus white. This encourages them to be much more imaginative in their paintings especially of subjects like skies and water.

White glue and be added to the white paint before. This enables paintings to have a 2D effect. So once they are dry the painting can be felt as well as seen .

Older children will enjoy using this technique to represent mountains or waves in the sea.

Blue painting or drawings deserve a nice blue frame to set them off and what could be nicer than one made by hand.

The on3 below was made by rolling pages from a magazine round a straw. Then they wee cut to size. Looking through a magazine for pages which are predominately blue is a good observational exercise

Making a string bauble:

These are good as Christmas decorations but can also be made into bowls and lamps.

For details go to the link below:

String Baubles

Last but not least!

Changing the colour of a white flower to blue. Chicory and white cabbage leaves can also be used. This is where art meets science. Children enjoy the magic of watching as the blue food colouring Ives through the veins of the flower or vegetable leaf. They also learn how the plant gets its water.

To watch Lizzie performing this experiment an£ for some variations, watch the link below:

Change the colour of a flower

You can even join in and make a blue lamp!

For instructions see this link:

Di Saronno Lamp

Fun shape Art and Maths activity

Young children are naturally creative and love drawing and painting and making things.

They will enjoy the activity shown in the video above and learn some new shape and size  vocabulary at the same time.,

Recognising shapes within objects  improves observational skills and is a good grounding for drawing and sketching.

Although designed for preschool aged children this activity can be adapted to suit any age depending on the chosen object.

Painting with Glue

This is fun for any age and the process can be adapted in so many ways for different effects. It is very versatile and even completely unplanned and random application of the glue by very young children, results in really great abstract pieces of art. (See below).

The best surface to use is a canvas board but very hard card works well too.

For small children use a small plastic container of glue which they can squeeze easily.

In the video I used a cheap set of paints produced for children.

Better results will be achieved with watercolour and acrylic paints give a stronger colour.

Glue can be applied to a white board or the board can be painted first and you can use as many layers of glue as you like.

Watch the video below:

For more Art and Craft ideas and learning videos see my channel:

Paint-Blob Art

Fun Art with Paint Blobs and Straw

All kids love blowing Blobs of paint or ink into shapes with a straw but this Programne takes the technique one step further. 

A great project for all ages. Tinies to adults. Just adapt to suit the age. 


Animals : dogs, peacocks,, roosters, porcupine, 



Trees with blossom 

Spooky forests

A witch or witches cauldron. 

Night sky with shooting stars or galaxy. 

Visit our Channel for more Art and Craft, Fun Science and Learning activities for Under-Fives.

Click here to go to the Fun Jumbles Channel

Scratch Board Art


It’s fun and very compulsive. Just doodling with colour!  It also creates a lot of fine black dust so  cover the table with some newspaper. 

It’s something the youngest child will enjoy although you will probably find they have finished in five minutes whereas you have only just started! 

The general rule is, the younger the child the larger the surface and the sturdier  the tool so something like a spoon  works well as they can grip the bowl and scratch with the edge of the handle. They also need a large piece of board or thick paper and supervision although it’s much more fun and better for them if you do one yourself.

I’d recommend  trying  out different techniques and tools on small pieces of paper before launching on a masterpiece!