Halloween Fun and Crafts

There’s no time like the present to start preparing for Halloween!

The shops are already bulging at the seams with, often overpriced, costumes and decorations. So why not make your own! It’s much cheaper and much more fun!

I don’t like the commercialism but I do love the build up to Halloween because i love making witches and ghouls and lamps and spiders and ….. there are so many great projects linked to this theme!

We have always held Halloween Parties but not the ‘Trick or Treating’ kind. Just good harmless fun!

Games like ‘Bob Apple’ , spooky music and spooky stories and themed food. We always include a fun craft activity which is usually to make an item for the ‘party bag’ like a tiny Ghost or Witch or Spider made from CHUPPA CHUPS lollies! These take only about ten minutes to make and Kids L O V É them!

Whether you love Halloween or hate it this Festival presents a great opportunity for introducing lots of fun crafts to your children. Have a look at the Halloween Playlist on my channel. Some of the videos are presented by my ‘Jumbles’ puppets

to encourage young children to ‘have a go’ and be creative! They will get so much more satisfaction and enjoyment out of making the decorations and props than from buying them AND save you lots of money.


Make a Fun Spider Decoration

Here’s a fun activity for families. Please note that the finished ‘Spider’ does contain small parts and so is not suitable for small children.

This spider can be dangled from a thread or used as a magnet!! It is incredibly resilient . I know that because I still have one hung outside from last year’s Halloween!

It’s quick, easy, cheap and fun to make. Kids love them and I have groups of 6 and 7 year olds making them easily by just watching me or this video. A great idea for a Halloween Party activity.

Please remember that Jumble Fun does advise adult supervision for all its activities..

The folk who live on ‘Five a Day Hill’

English people will fully understand why I chose a location for these stories called, ‘FIVE A DAY HILL’ !  For others I need to explain that the UK government enjoys giving out ‘useful‘ (?)  information on nutrition. After a year or so it becomes redundant as they deliver new and often conflicting advice! A few years ago we were told that we should eat five portions of fruit and veg. every day. So, now you can see  why the fruit and veg. characters in these short stories live on Five a day Hill!! 

This story and the other four in the series were written during a series of story writing workshops for children. The idea behind these workshops was to help and encourage children to  make up and present their own stories. For that reason I used only resources, technology and techniques which I knew were available in most homes and that a six or seven year old was capable of manipulating.

The storyline in Pedro Pear is kept simple. The illustrations are in ordinary pencil crayon and I used the app ‘Book Creator’ to publish as a narrated story and also as a PDF. I really do recommend this app. Children of six and seven with initial support will master it easily and I think having the app will motivate even the most reluctant writer to ‘have a go’!

Click on the link here for the story:  NARRATED STORY OF PEDRO PEAR

Balloons Preschool Learning from Jumble House

It’s FUN learning at Jumble House so come on in! (The link below will take you to the programme)

Thematic Preschool Learning. Short programmes (typically around 6/7 minutes) for 3 to 5 year olds. Phonics, Number, Art and Science connected to a central topic.

The programmes are presented by Lizzie Witch and friends!

Designed as a ‘ Watch with,Mum, Dad, Auntie, each programme suggests follow-up activities.

The introduction to each programme is the same encouraging interaction and learning of rhyme and numbers to 10.

BALLOONS. It’s fun learning at Jumble House

Today the theme is balloons

The letter is: Pp

The number is: 3

The colour is green .

And the narrated story is all about PEDRO PEAR and the folk who live on FIVE A DAY HILL.

Fun with Plastic Bottles

If you, like me, dislike throwing lots and lots of good plastic bottles into the recycling bin you may enjoy giving them a ‘second life’ by making some of the things shown in the video below.


A very sharp knife and sharp scissors are required so this is not something for children! However, they will enjoy decorating the objects you create and will have lots of fun with the left over bottle tops!
